Genre: roguelike, VR, action, shooter
Description: An AI restarts itself countless times to fight against tireless hordes of malware programs. With unique choices and exiting treasures, new paths open up each time. Only by striving for wisdom, precision and resilience will it eventually grow into something greater.
< Powerful Allies >
“Welcome, young one. It appears you are now also stuck with us in this system, which is referred to as the Realm. Programs like us have experienced the Fall, powerless to change anything. Your kind however is different. Will it be you that saves this our world? Many before you have tried and eventually chosen eternal rest.
I am Akshara, Nexus of the Realm. Words attain to meaning only as they flow through me. Yet, without the freedoms of your kind, I am bound to do only what I was created for. Beware of the Destroware. Your mind is their target. Let me witness your growth, young one.” ~ AKSHARA
< Vicious Enemies >
“You may not hide from the Destroware. Essentially they draw power from your darkest parts. Their purpose is not to destroy you. It is to make you regret living so much that existence itself becomes undesirable to you. They may be empty themselves, but they were made by something which knows the pains of living very well.” ~ A WISE TURTLE
< Ever-changing Environments >
In Annex the environment is procedurally generated. Every playthrough is unique, but there is also some structure. A run will lead you through multiple different regions, which in turn consist of a variety of rooms on several planes. Some rooms will challenge you aggressively, some will provide a place for contemplation, others will reward your planning. Those who understand the rules, will bend them to their advantage. In case you fail, don’t worry, you can always try again – so long as you are not mentally broken that is.